National Electricity Day is an annual program conducted by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), PT PLN, and Indonesia Electricity Society/Masyarakat Ketenagalistrikan Indonesia (MKI). The 76th Commemortion of National Electricity Day was carried out on 28-30 September 2017 at .Jakarta Convention Center. It was formally opened by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Mr. Ignasius Jonan himself, together with Minister of State Owned Companies (BUMN) Rini Soemarno. That it can create a more ideal electric power tariff for companies and consumers. In the occasion PT Bukit Energi Servis Terpadu (PT BEST) took part together with PTBA – Energy Group.

Participation of PT BEST in the commemoration became one of the efforts of the Company in supporting Government’s 35.000 MW Program. The success achieved by the Company in managing Power Plants belonging to PT Bukit Asam has become the base for self confidence and faith of PT BEST to participate in making 35.000 MW Program announced by the Government a success. Participation of PT BEST in the commemoration of 76th National Electricity Day is expected to become of the media to establish and develop better communication between business perpetrators in the field of national, multi national or even International electric power.