Area Operations
Tanjung Enim
Pelabuhan Tarahan
CFSPP 3X10 MW Tanjung Enim
Steam Power Plant 3X10 MW located at Muara Enim District, is a power plant belonging to PT Bukit Asam constructed to support PTBA mining activIties in West Bangko Area. This power plant was formally operated by PT BEST on 14 February 2016. Running operation of generating units PTBA it in terms of optimizing the supply of electric energy to be used to support production activities PTBA, besides PT BEST also perform maintenance on generating units, in this type of maintenance performed includes several types of maintenance include Routine Care Periodic Maintenance (Simple Inspection, Mean Inspection, Serious Inspection), Preventive Maintenance, and Corrective Maintenance. With the aim of generating units can be operated optimally and maximizing the life of each type of generating units.
CFSPP 2X8 MW Pelabuhan Tarahan
Steam Power Plant of 2X8 MW located at Bandar Lampung Town is a power plant belonging to PT Bukit Asam which was constructed to support the activities of PTBA coal terminal. The power plant was formally managed by PT BEST on 1 December 2015. Operate the PTBA generating unit which is intended to support unloading and shipping activities of coal, beside PT BEST also perform maintenance on generating units, in this type maintenance performed includes several types of maintenance include Routine Care Periodic Maintenance (Simple Inspection,Mean Inspection, Serious Inspection), Preventive Maintenance And Corrective Maintenance. with the aim generating units can be operated optimally and maximizing the life of each type of generating units.